endless game

美 [ˈendləs ɡeɪm]英 [ˈendləs ɡeɪm]
  • 网络无尽的游戏;无止境的游戏
endless gameendless game
  1. Power ; China Rural Land : An Endless Game


  2. In my works Endless Game , I explored the uncertainty of the process as well as that in the process .


  3. Words like acid , gravity , electricity and pendulum had to be invented just to stop their meetings turning into an endless game of charades .


  4. They spread like viruses , resistant to the passage of time , in an endless game of mutations where they constantly interfere with the perception of the " real " .


  5. Partly , it could be that in the endless cat-and-mouse game between hackers and security teams , the hackers have jumped ahead .


  6. Neither of the authors can have ever felt the joy of having an e-mail partner at work : someone with one can engage in an endless ping-pong game of repartee .


  7. Thankfully we adults enjoy their laughter so much that the repetition does nothing to stop us enjoying endless rounds of the game ourselves 。


  8. Thankfully we adults enjoy their laughter so much that the repetition does nothing to stop us enjoying endless rounds of the game ourselves .
